Legal questions on Civil Law

Misuse Of Power of attorney

I (say Mr.A) have purchased a plot in 1998 from Mr. B. Mr.B was having power of attorney from his organization to sell that plot. Then in Feb, and 3rd March 1999 Mr. D (Mr. D also claim to have power of attorney from the organisation) sold 74% of that plot to Mr.E. by two registered deeds. Then In 6 March Mr.E sold 50% of his 74% of plot area to Mr. F. further Mr.E and Mr. F had done Mutation i...

Delay in PF settlement of my deceased father

My father was a bank manager but compulsorily retired 2 years before his death. He has a loan of 21 lacs on him but bank didn\'t made any attempts to recover his loan when he was alive. My father was neither trialled nor any other efforts were made by the bank to recover loan amount by him. But when he expired the bank didn\'t released his PF as it was only 12 lacs(less than the loan amount). M...

Denial of admission to higher education(mtech- cse) by jntu ,hyd

I applied for MTech CSE course at JNTU hyderabad based on my qualification which is DOEACC B level. A three year course offered by departement of electronics, Govt of India under Ministry of IT. The requirement criteria for admission to MTech in CSE(Computer Science Engineering) as per JNTU notification is a BE/Btech in CSE or M.C.A The course has been recognized as equivalent to M.C.A by min...

Law suit filed by an employer against an employee

I was appointed by word(no offer letter given) as a Sales staff in a Visa franchisee of a leading airlines company in Calicut, Kerala in April 2012. Later i was transferred to Trivandrum, Kerala. The lady staff doing admin job resigned after 3months and i was solely managing all the works in Trivandrum branch. My responsibility was to process the visas given by travel agencies and other individ...