Prabhat ShroffHindu adoption and maintenance act 1956
Whether divorcee women's children could be adopted by her second husband after remarriage under hindu adoption & maintenance act? if yes, please inform about the procedure and...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffHindu adoption and maintenance act 1956
Whether divorcee women's children could be adopted by her second husband after remarriage under hindu adoption & maintenance act? if yes, please inform about the procedure and...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffCheated by a business partner
Hi, This is Anand from Chennai. While doing a small business venture, i was cheated of almost 5 lacs by my business partner in Malaysia. Of course i severed all ties with him...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffDispute over covered car park
I have purchased and taken possession of an Apartment from reputed builder in Chennai. I have paid separately for two car parks and are mentioned as covered car parking in the...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffTransfer of documents
I purchased a flat in 2010 by submitting both (I and husband's ) our papers to the bank, only for the purpose of getting the loan amount (as only my salary will not fetch the...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffRegistration problem
We purchased land in 03/09/1997. We wrote the settlement agreement between the seller and buyer in that settlement agreement the seller was told that when ever you and your...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffOrbit residency park
Orbit Corporation defaults on 96 crore loans - The Economic Times Please refer...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffDivorce maintenance
My husband filed a divorce case in Sep 2012 n i filed Domestic violence in Jan 13 and joined job in feb13 n left in oct 13.judgement was given to pay me 10000rs on 25th oct13...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffSpecial leave petition civil in supreme court
We have accepted the jurisdiction of honb high court against specific performance of propertu and ready to pay the earnest money with paid interest. Case is in for 17 years, and...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffAccident Liability in Case of Hypothecated Vehicle
Hello, I had purchased a vehicle under hypothecation from ICICI bank. The vehicle was repossessed by the bank and it was later sold by the bank to a third party. A few days ago...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffCan my in-laws have right to my late husband
My husband died on the 5th of dec '13 due to illness. He had a business of sanitation with partnership with his mother but later he became the sole proprietor after a deed of...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffBar council
I am an advocate, I am a second wife of one business man, if the first wife give a complaint against me in bar council, what will happen?
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffDivorce
I am an unhappy married guy with no kids. Please tell me how can I get divorce.
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffWill
Sir, what is legal procedure and requirements for making a will?
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffAncestral property claim
What is the procedure to file a claim for the ancestral property in Bangalore. We don't have any legal documents for the property, Few properties have already been sold without...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
H. S. ThukralFamily problem
My nani has thrown out from home of my mama, now my mama is not allowing her to stay at his place. So can u help me? What we can do?
Answered by H. S. Thukral 11 years ago
H. S. ThukralDivorce
Sir, me and my wife separated last 8month and my wife leave with my father in law and so many time i ask my wife come in home and leave with me but she never interested and i...
Answered by H. S. Thukral 11 years ago
H. S. ThukralProperty in the name of grandfather
Sir i am grand son and my father passed away few year ago.... my grandfather has a house in which his threebout of six sons a living at present in differnt portions i with my...
Answered by H. S. Thukral 11 years ago