Ajay SethiSale agreement for Land (Buyer on sale agreement wants to transfer sale deed rights to a 3rd party)
Hello, As a Seller (Party 1), my relative in India has signed a Land (plot) sale agreement with a Buyer (Party 2) and received advance from him. The agreement has a clause that...
Answered by Ajay Sethi 3 years ago
Ajay SethiStay order on agriculture land
Dear Sir / Madam Myself and other 3 has Patta Passbook under the same survey number with sub survey numbers but was not partitioned among 4 of us. The same land has been using...
Answered by Ajay Sethi 3 years ago
Ajay SethiUndivided share of Property settlement through court direction.
Hi again this is my second question today for my sister. my sister HAS undivided portion of land along with my cousin brother through my grandfathers UNREGISTERED WILL. cousin...
Answered by Ajay Sethi 3 years ago
Ajay SethiTin shed on my terrace
Hi, I have a terrace attached with my flat, exclusive. I had to put a tin shed with iron frame to stop garbage thrown from above. Is this legal? Living here for 6 years and...
Answered by Ajay Sethi 3 years ago
Ajay SethiGift of property by son to mother or father inlaw.
If son gifts to his mother or father in-law a property in mumbai . stamp duty payable would be rs 200 or 3 percent.
Answered by Ajay Sethi 3 years ago
Ajay SethiGift of property by son to mother or father inlaw.
If son gifts to his mother or father in-law a property in mumbai . stamp duty payable would be rs 200 or 3 percent.
Answered by Ajay Sethi 3 years ago
Kallol MajumdarTin shed on my terrace
Hi, I have a terrace attached with my flat, exclusive. I had to put a tin shed with iron frame to stop garbage thrown from above. Is this legal? Living here for 6 years and...
Answered by Kallol Majumdar 3 years ago
Ravi ShindeStay order on agriculture land
Dear Sir / Madam Myself and other 3 has Patta Passbook under the same survey number with sub survey numbers but was not partitioned among 4 of us. The same land has been using...
Answered by Ravi Shinde 3 years ago
T KalaiselvanStay order on agriculture land
Dear Sir / Madam Myself and other 3 has Patta Passbook under the same survey number with sub survey numbers but was not partitioned among 4 of us. The same land has been using...
Answered by T Kalaiselvan 3 years ago
T KalaiselvanNeed advice about a clause mentioned in a will
This question was kept private
Answered by T Kalaiselvan 3 years ago
T KalaiselvanMarried daughter's right in father's property
We are three brothers and two sisters. One of my sister got married in May 1985 and another in May 1990. Do they have any right in the residential property of our father who...
Answered by T Kalaiselvan 3 years ago
T KalaiselvanMarried daughter's right in father's property
We are three brothers and two sisters. One of my sister got married in May 1985 and another in May 1990. Do they have any right in the residential property of our father who...
Answered by T Kalaiselvan 3 years ago
T KalaiselvanMarried daughter's right in father's property
We are three brothers and two sisters. One of my sister got married in May 1985 and another in May 1990. Do they have any right in the residential property of our father who...
Answered by T Kalaiselvan 3 years ago
T KalaiselvanMy tenant is not vacating after expiry of agreement
I have been trying to get my tenant to vacate my property for over a year now however due to COVID he kept on asking for an extension on humanitarian grounds. In June 2021, we...
Answered by T Kalaiselvan 3 years ago
T KalaiselvanFather revoked his property which was registered on sons
We are four children to my parents(elder sister, me, younger sister and brother). My mother died in road accident in the year 2008. From that year my father got addicted to...
Answered by T Kalaiselvan 3 years ago
T KalaiselvanFather revoked his property which was registered on sons
We are four children to my parents(elder sister, me, younger sister and brother). My mother died in road accident in the year 2008. From that year my father got addicted to...
Answered by T Kalaiselvan 3 years ago
T KalaiselvanCan female member demand division of ancestral property
Hello, my mother has 4 brothers. They have an ancestor property. My mother is asking for her share. Her brothers are denying/delaying it as it seems that if the property is not...
Answered by T Kalaiselvan 3 years ago
Shashidhar S. SastryNeed advice about a clause mentioned in a will
This question was kept private
Answered by Shashidhar S. Sastry 3 years ago