Your mother can file suit for Partition for division of property by metes and bounds
seek an injunction restraining sale of property by her siblings
Hello, my mother has 4 brothers. They have an ancestor property. My mother is asking for her share. Her brothers are denying/delaying it as it seems that if the property is not divided, after my mother's death, there is no obligation to give my mother's share to me. So, would like to know if my mother can legally demand for dividing the property so that she gets her share?
Your mother can file suit for Partition for division of property by metes and bounds
seek an injunction restraining sale of property by her siblings
Daughter has every right to claim in ancestral property with sons after amendment to Hindu Succession Act in 2005. Issue lawyer’s notice uncles on behalf of mother seeking partition and separate possession of property. She will get equal share with her brothers. After that file a suit in district Court for partition and separate possession. You will get your share. Any son or daughter of mother file suit and get share in the property.
1. Your mother is entitled to equal share on par with her brothers in the ancestral property.
2. If her brothers' are denying/delaying her rightful equal share, let her send a legal notice to her brothers for partitioning of her share by metes and bounds.
3. Assuming that if the mother is no more, still her children ( sons & daughters ) are entitled to her share in the property.
4. A female member is entitled to equal share on par with her brothers as per the Amendment to the Hindu Succession Act, 1956 in 2005.
5. A daughter, whether married or not will be treated as Coparcener since birth as in the case of a son.
Dear Client,
Your mother can legally demand diving the property and get a share as she has rights in the ancestor property.
Thank you.
- Legally , your mother has her right to claim an equal share in the ancestral property like her brother , and none can snatch her share.
- If her brother is not giving her share then she should send a legal notice to them for dividing the property by metes and bonds.
- If no response, then she should file a Partition & Injunction suit before the court for getting her share and to restrained them from selling any part of the property .
If the property remains undivided after your grandfather's intestate death, your mother being one of the legal heirs/successors in interest, is entitled for a share out of the property as a right.
She do not have to beg her siblings for her legitimate share in the property.
She can file a suit for partition and separate possession of her share in the property.