H. S. ThukralRent Agreement
Dear Sir, I have been residing at a rented property for 12 months. The agreement was for 11 months.We are in the 13th month and we have to vacate the place on the 26th.The owner...
Answered by H. S. Thukral 11 years ago
H. S. ThukralDaughter's right in Ancestral property
hi, I have a query about a daughter's right in ancestral property. My father died in 2008 and after which my only elder brother filed a false Will saying all the property to be...
Answered by H. S. Thukral 11 years ago
H. S. ThukralRelinquishment deed
When a property owner is dead and one of the legal has to relinquish his share can he do so in favour of one or more of the remaining legal heirs or he can simply relinquish his...
Answered by H. S. Thukral 11 years ago
Nishant Boraregarding property division among children
My father is an ex-serviceman(army) who owned a house in Bangalore, earned on his own. We are three children. He has gifted the full house to my younger brother about 20 yrs...
Answered by Nishant Bora 11 years ago
Nishant BoraDelay by builder in delivering property
I booked an apartment from a builder in Gurgaon in July 2008 but have not received the apartment till date. On different instances, I was intimated by the builders office...
Answered by Nishant Bora 11 years ago
Pradeep BharathipuraDivision of house and agricultural land
Our family has decided to divide the property with mutual understanding which is verbal. I want to do it legal on paper. Can you help me how I can do it?
Answered by Pradeep Bharathipura 11 years ago
Nishant BoraLegal consequences of selling second-hand automobile parts
sir, i am planing to start a new business of selling used automobiles online..! basically i 'm an engineering student and new to this field, so kindly give me some legal advice...
Answered by Nishant Bora 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffRefundable security deposit in case of lock in
Hi, I have paid a six month deposit on the rapid metro station. It's a lock in contract for 3 years and I was wondering if it were possible for me to get that money back in the...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffInherited property after marriage (married in 1992)
I am female member of my family. I have two elder sisters,one elder brother and one younger brother. My father is having property at madurai which inherited from his father...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffProperty in the name of grandfather
Sir i am grand son and my father passed away few year ago.... my grandfather has a house in which his threebout of six sons a living at present in differnt portions i with my...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffTransfer of property
I am in the process of purchase of a flat. The seller has made an agreement to sale(purchase) with the builder. The sale deed is not yet executed, since the builder has not yet...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffBuilding under sec 354 & 475-A BMC Act
Sir, Our building is 45 years old and is in dilapidated condition & BMC sent us a notice to vacate the building under sec 354 & 475-A BMC Act. Our society is a already in...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffHouse on rent
Dear Sir, I had given my house on rent in Kalyan. My tenant had not paid me rent for 3 months. He was not answering to my phone also. I am not living in kalyan hence i asked my...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffHow to seal the property
Dear Sir/Madam, I am 63 year old Ex service Men, Living in New Delhi with my family, this is regarding ,y parental property in Bihar. We are two brothers, my younger brother is...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffLegal consequences of selling second-hand automobile parts
sir, i am planing to start a new business of selling used automobiles online..! basically i 'm an engineering student and new to this field, so kindly give me some legal advice...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffCancellation of sale agreement
Sir In the process of sale of our property we have signed an agreement with our tenant for lesser amount than the correct amount (government rate) due to lack of knowledge. How...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffMOU to buy a property under constructions
I have shortlisted to buy a property which is under constructions. Prior to "Assignment Agreement", I need to get into a MOU with the seller. I am looking for a professional...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffTransfer of flat in name of widow
Husband died. Husband's mother is already died. Widow having minor children had written to the Society (at that Registration of Society was in process) for transferring the flat...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago