Ajay SethiPension/maintenance for supporting health expense for my mother
Hello, I am writing on behalf of my Mother (Age 69), who is suffering from Dementia for last 4 years and is been treated (hospitalized full time) at Nigthangale Alzheimer Centre...
Answered by Ajay Sethi 10 years ago
Ajay SethiWhat should be the possible legal action against this situation?
my grandparents Have 2 sons. My father and his younger brother. My father died 17 years ago. My grandfather acquired most of his property on his own name and my mothers name. Me...
Answered by Ajay Sethi 10 years ago
Ajay SethiJoint family settlement case
Mr. A has 2 sons B and C. In 1980, Son B didn't go for higher studies went in military for 20 years. Son C went through college but didn't work and was unemployed throughout 20...
Answered by Ajay Sethi 10 years ago
Ajay SethiHow much time taken to get judgement in maintenance case
How much time taken to get judgement in maintenance case? whats the minimum & maximum time taken to get judgement?
Answered by Ajay Sethi 10 years ago
Minansu Bhadra138 cheque bounce
i have pending case against me in thane court U/S 138. i took money from one of my friends wife on 10% (min) per month. i paid her money as interest several months. but after...
Answered by Minansu Bhadra 10 years ago
Pradeep BharathipuraPension/maintenance for supporting health expense for my mother
Hello, I am writing on behalf of my Mother (Age 69), who is suffering from Dementia for last 4 years and is been treated (hospitalized full time) at Nigthangale Alzheimer Centre...
Answered by Pradeep Bharathipura 10 years ago
Soumya   Kundu138 cheque bounce
i have pending case against me in thane court U/S 138. i took money from one of my friends wife on 10% (min) per month. i paid her money as interest several months. but after...
Answered by Soumya Kundu 10 years ago
Ajay SethiSec 8 1(e) of RTI Act 2005
My brother in law was admitted in govt. hospital. Unfortunately he was expired. Her wife had filed an RTI , But they replied that they doesnot disclose as per Sec 8 1(e) of RTI...
Answered by Ajay Sethi 10 years ago
Ajay SethiWhat should be the possible legal action against this situation?
my grandparents Have 2 sons. My father and his younger brother. My father died 17 years ago. My grandfather acquired most of his property on his own name and my mothers name. Me...
Answered by Ajay Sethi 10 years ago
Ajay SethiHow much time taken to get judgement in maintenance case
How much time taken to get judgement in maintenance case? whats the minimum & maximum time taken to get judgement?
Answered by Ajay Sethi 10 years ago
Ashish DavessarHow much time taken to get judgement in maintenance case
How much time taken to get judgement in maintenance case? whats the minimum & maximum time taken to get judgement?
Answered by Ashish Davessar 10 years ago
Ashish Davessar138 cheque bounce
i have pending case against me in thane court U/S 138. i took money from one of my friends wife on 10% (min) per month. i paid her money as interest several months. but after...
Answered by Ashish Davessar 10 years ago
Rajeev BariHow much time taken to get judgement in maintenance case
How much time taken to get judgement in maintenance case? whats the minimum & maximum time taken to get judgement?
Answered by Rajeev Bari 10 years ago
Rajeev BariSec 8 1(e) of RTI Act 2005
My brother in law was admitted in govt. hospital. Unfortunately he was expired. Her wife had filed an RTI , But they replied that they doesnot disclose as per Sec 8 1(e) of RTI...
Answered by Rajeev Bari 10 years ago
Rajeev BariCheating
How to find out if a person is married or not? My husbands behaviour is seems like changed.. I doubted him about he may marry a girl in the register office itself.. how can i...
Answered by Rajeev Bari 10 years ago
Rajeev BariLoss of document
as my case was running in cjm court and judgement came against me, due to loss of important document by ahlmad , when we appeal against the judgement to hon'ble session judge ,...
Answered by Rajeev Bari 10 years ago
Rajeev BariInsider dealing
Please tell me what is insider dealing and law relating to it in India
Answered by Rajeev Bari 10 years ago
Rajeev BariFiling replication post issue framing
Dear Sir, I filed a divorce on 18th July, 2012 in Distt. Court Bhiwani. My wife leveled false and serious allegations against me and my parents in her statement. My lawyer was a...
Answered by Rajeev Bari 10 years ago