Hi Law Experts,
I need your inputs on the following.
I was married in 2009, me & wife never got along due to lot of personal differences, difference in personalities etc. So she and me mutually agreed it is not going to work, so i dropped her to her parents home in 2011 and then due to her family pressure she filed false 498a 325 34 504 506 against me, claiming i and my family harrased her for dowry and are not allowing her to stay in matrimonial home. We received bail for the false 498a and the case has not yet started till date . I came out of india to europe for my company work and i am here since last 3 years. While coming to europe i had made power of attorney and given to my father for representing me in court matters, take care of my property- house etc in my absence.
In Jan 2014 wife filed for RCR stating that she wants to come and stay in matrimonial home, and is also claiming maintenance under sec 18 HMA.
My Father is very angry since he was implicated in false 498 and now she wants to come back. Me and my father are joint owner of the matrimonial home since 2006, and after marriage wife stayed in that home for almost 1.5 years.
Due to the fear that daughter in law will come back, based on the power of attorney i had given, my father removed my name from the house and got the house registered on his name in Apr-2014
Now my question is - since my father has transferred the matrimonial house-property on his name based on POA, without my consent, (1) can the daughter in law still claim right on the matrimonial house and come back to stay in matrimonial house forcefully, (2) when i apply for divorce after false 498a is over, will the court consider the matrimonial house as my property for granting alimony?
I believe i am thinking too much about future events, but it is good to have knowledge
Asked 10 years ago in Criminal Law