Ajay SethiDeveloper charging more for car parking
Developer and I agreed to pay 10 lac for flat and 2 lac for car park. In agreement also he said the same and I signed in. Now he is saying all the money is only for flat and car...
Answered by Ajay Sethi 10 years ago
Ajay SethiReturn of cheque
I had given cheque to the builder of my property in year 2008 without any date as insisted by builder as a caution amount.As the amount was exceeding the total price of...
Answered by Ajay Sethi 10 years ago
Ajay SethiPassport issues
Respected Sir, I had applied for passport in the year 2010 and was delivered to me.I travel Hong kong in the same year.I was minor at that time.Now I found that due to hurry my...
Answered by Ajay Sethi 10 years ago
Ajay SethiPassport issues
Respected Sir, I had applied for passport in the year 2010 and was delivered to me.I travel Hong kong in the same year.I was minor at that time.Now I found that due to hurry my...
Answered by Ajay Sethi 10 years ago
Ajay SethiCancellation of cheque prior to encashment
I had given cheque to the builder of my property in year 2008 without any date as insisted by builder as a caution amount.As the amount was exceeding the total price of...
Answered by Ajay Sethi 10 years ago
Anil GuptaMarriage
I am 17 yr old girl and I am about to turn 18 on march 1st. Nd i have been in love with a married man , and when he was about to divorce his wife , some of my private pics which...
Answered by Anil Gupta 10 years ago
K. Mohan KumarRecent marriage
I have been married recently to a girl from Hyderabad. I got calls from some unknown numbers about the girl however we did not bother and went ahead with the marriage. Now after...
Answered by K. Mohan Kumar 10 years ago
K. Mohan KumarDeveloper charging more for car parking
Developer and I agreed to pay 10 lac for flat and 2 lac for car park. In agreement also he said the same and I signed in. Now he is saying all the money is only for flat and car...
Answered by K. Mohan Kumar 10 years ago
Minansu BhadraDeveloper charging more for car parking
Developer and I agreed to pay 10 lac for flat and 2 lac for car park. In agreement also he said the same and I signed in. Now he is saying all the money is only for flat and car...
Answered by Minansu Bhadra 10 years ago
Fateh Chand SharmaFake allegations in 498a, 406
- Marriage - September 2008 at Arya Samaj without knowledge of Parents in a 1.5months courtship period - Age of Girl at marriage - 26, Boy - 21 in 2008 - Both working during...
Answered by Fateh Chand Sharma 10 years ago
Fateh Chand SharmaMarriage invalid - in laws say
Hello Sir, I had a arya samaj mandir marriage in 2012, it was a love marriage and my husband had hidden it from his parents, though they knew about our affair and knew that he...
Answered by Fateh Chand Sharma 10 years ago
Fateh Chand SharmaWhat are my legal obligations and rights
I am a Canadian Citizen and on a recent trip to India,I met, fell in love with, agreed to marry and engaged in intercourse. Due to sudden illness and change in my travel plans...
Answered by Fateh Chand Sharma 10 years ago
Fateh Chand SharmaEffective date of agreement
Please advice if case of any agreement with company & service provider, Which date will be considered as effective date of agreement either on the date it got made,signed &...
Answered by Fateh Chand Sharma 10 years ago
Rajeev BariPassport issues
Respected Sir, I had applied for passport in the year 2010 and was delivered to me.I travel Hong kong in the same year.I was minor at that time.Now I found that due to hurry my...
Answered by Rajeev Bari 10 years ago
Fateh Chand SharmaComplain in caw cell
My wife complain in caw cell against me and my mother which are totally false and baseless now my wife ready to withdraw allegation against me what should I do make safe for...
Answered by Fateh Chand Sharma 10 years ago
Fateh Chand Sharma138 ni
Case file in gurgaon haryana against me under 138NI. police gave me a notice but I could not present in court. Now what I do and how I know next court date.
Answered by Fateh Chand Sharma 10 years ago
Rajeev BariCancellation of cheque prior to encashment
I had given cheque to the builder of my property in year 2008 without any date as insisted by builder as a caution amount.As the amount was exceeding the total price of...
Answered by Rajeev Bari 10 years ago
Rajeev BariPassport issues
Respected Sir, I had applied for passport in the year 2010 and was delivered to me.I travel Hong kong in the same year.I was minor at that time.Now I found that due to hurry my...
Answered by Rajeev Bari 10 years ago