Prabhat ShroffPractice and procedure
VI (2013) SLT 62 PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE — High Court, as a first Court of Appeal, on facts must apply its independent mind and record its own findings on basis of its own...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffEduaction loan, Pension Deduction
Hello, I took education loan from SBI in 2008 for Aviation Engineering. 3 Lakh. As I am not able to get job in aviation sector as my qualification. I m working in a bpo earning...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffFormal Party Defendant's right
Does formal party defendant have right to file his written statement in civil court? If yes, then under which provision of law?
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffIllegal RMC plant--Environmental & Mental harassment
Hi.. In our locality a builder along with local influential person has established a Ready Mix Concrete Plant. Generally plant operated in Night Too. Colony is UIT Approved...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffSpecial leave petition civil in supreme court
We have accepted the jurisdiction of honb high court against specific performance of propertu and ready to pay the earnest money with paid interest. Case is in for 17 years, and...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffAccident Liability in Case of Hypothecated Vehicle
Hello, I had purchased a vehicle under hypothecation from ICICI bank. The vehicle was repossessed by the bank and it was later sold by the bank to a third party. A few days ago...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffWill
Sir, what is legal procedure and requirements for making a will?
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Nishant BoraEduaction loan, Pension Deduction
Hello, I took education loan from SBI in 2008 for Aviation Engineering. 3 Lakh. As I am not able to get job in aviation sector as my qualification. I m working in a bpo earning...
Answered by Nishant Bora 11 years ago
H. S. ThukralChange of Name
Sir I want to add my surname in my name. does it come under change of name? Plz clear the concept of change of name and correction in name as per law and give information about...
Answered by H. S. Thukral 11 years ago
Ashish DavessarSpecial leave petition civil in supreme court
We have accepted the jurisdiction of honb high court against specific performance of propertu and ready to pay the earnest money with paid interest. Case is in for 17 years, and...
Answered by Ashish Davessar 11 years ago
Ashish DavessarWill
Sir, what is legal procedure and requirements for making a will?
Answered by Ashish Davessar 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffRegistered will and un registered will
Dear sir, My uncle died on oct.2013. He was 76 and suffering from throat cancer from last 8 years.02 year back he made a registerd will with tehsildar in which he declared his...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffChange of Name
Sir I have changed my name from rooma to rooma bhatti and the same was requested to education board to update in its record as there is provision for it with an application form...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffWill
Sir, what is legal procedure and requirements for making a will?
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffChange of Name
Sir I want to add my surname in my name. does it come under change of name? Plz clear the concept of change of name and correction in name as per law and give information about...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffShop rent to be vacated
Respected Sir, My Name is Chinnaiah aged about 68 years. I have a small house and two shops within that. I have given two shops to one person, he said that he will vacate within...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffRti - no action by cic on complaint against sic
I made a complaint to CIC against SIC U.P. for not providing the information, but CIC Registry office forwarded the same to SIC, instead of taking any action at CIC level. May I...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffRti - clarification
I requested CPIO of Bar Council of Uttar Pradesh to provide me certain information, but he did not reply. I preferred Ist Appeal, but the same has also not been responded even...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago