Legal questions

false accusations of rape

My brother had consensual relationship with a married female with her will and consent for about 6 months. Her husband was living outside and she used to approach him. but since last 2 month he refused to entertain her. she now has lodged complaint against him n my family on sec 376 ipc but later she backed off and settled. At that time police collected certain Affidavit from both of us that ...

I think she trapped me and now forcing me to marry her

3 years ago we became friends on facebook. We became best friends. She was calling me everyday. Most of the time she was crying because her previous boyfriend left her after sex. Many times she was telling me that She don't want to live anymore. As she was calling me all the time I was afraid that If she commits suicide I'll get arrested for questioning. And also I was good friend So I alway...

Please Help My Wife harassing Me and My Family

Hello, I am 33 Year old man, I got married in 2010 to a girl who is 04 year younger to me. We have 3 Year old Child too. It was a arrange marriage, we typically belong to U.P but i have been born and brought up in Mumbai, The girl is from Faizabad district. We have done a simple marriage and my family is always against the dowry. Even my family status is good compare to them, they have a s...

Can I sell a property?

Hi, This is in regards to a property that is registered in my late father's name in Delhi which my father bought. The legal heirs are my widowed mother, myself and my married sister as my father died without making a will. After my father's passed away, someone known to us, we believe, created a forged WILL and GPOA and tried to sell the property. Once we came to know about it. I sought ...

Purchase of Plot

Dear Sir, I would like to purchase a open plot whose owner is died on [deleted]. The deceased plot owner is survived by his mother, wife, two married daughters and one married son and the deceased plot owner’s father is expired. On [deleted], the said plot was registered by way of Gift Settlement Deed in favour of said deceased plot owner’s two married daughters by his wife and one married son ...

Unregistered agreement with Company

Hi , We have signed an agreement with company ( unregistered) on 1st Sep 2014, but due to some issue with company response and behavior of local manager to avoid all future dispute we have decided not to continue this agreement hence we sent the refusal mail to company. Now Company send a letter stating asking the possession for the premises and we do not want to continue the same . Pl...

Online Banking Transaction in MLM

This is to inform that i Anselm A Thomas resident of New Delhi India got a legal notice from an advocate in Kerela through a member who participated with me in an online MLM/Trading/Networking scheme.Putting false allegation and baseless allegations on me that i was authorized agent or a middleman in such scheme Mr Somveer Singh from Lucknow to whom i used to transfer the amount in his bank ...

what shoud i do

my mother had filled application under dv act 2005, my father was having three brother ( 2 cousin ) named dilip, nitin, and pravin all four brother living in joint family now also my father has no business he was reliving and looking business of other three brothers after that one by one all brother seprate theri houses but still business was joint only. (no proprty division take place ) ...

Declaration of cancellation deed as Null and Void

Dear Sir, A tenant challenged my title and ownership based on a cancellation deed of my settlement deed by settlor. In fact I came to know of this cancellation only through the tenant. I got a copy of the cancellation deed. I filed a suit to declare the cancellation as null and void by designating this tenant as the only defendant. As advised by my lawyer, we gave paper publications to have an...

Rent Controller Case

Dear Sir, i am having a house in delhi in which 3 shops are there, i filed a case against a one tenant and court did not give him a leave to defend and give time of six months to vacant the shop, but after completing the six months he move to high court but high court asked him to vacate the shop and he ready to vacate in six months, court asked him to file affadavit that he will vacate the sh...

Husband and Wife seperation issue

My husband and In-laws have been mentally torturing me for last 2 years. Some times it was physical assault as well. One day unable to bear this I left my in-laws home and came to my parents home with my 4 year old son. My husband came to take me home but I do not want to go, because it had happened multiple times that he just remain calm for few days and starts to ill-treat me again. He is be...

Agri land case

Hi, below im geving case u details, plz give me advice. My great grandfather has 2 sons A and B...... A and B (b is my grandfather). After the demise of my greatgrandfather i.e in the year 1975, he was servived by A and B mentioned above who was allotted with a piece of land. A was allotted with land survey number 100 and B was allotted with land survey number 101. But both were cross poss...

obc certificate

A). how would a jat person migrated from haryana to delhi in year 1998, would get an obc certificate as he/ she can not provide the documents of contiouns stay in delhi since 1993( mentined in application) . also he /she can not get made in state of haryana as all the documents like voter id card , driving licenseetc are made in delhi only. (b). also to bring into your notice that the jat co...

harrsement by husband i dont want to leave my husband at any cost

hi, i my self usha. I wass married 3 years ago now i am having baby girl chid age of 2 year.. my husband always scolds me unnesserly with out a prorper reason..... he always try to send me to the my parents house..i dont know why... and there parents also support them,, Me and My husband stays in banglore ... He says you wanted to do job. i said ok..... my father asked people arraged a job fo...

extension of lease agreement

dear sir, we have a lease agreement with a housing society for a period of 99yrs.I would like to know 1.After 99yrs I will have to restore possession to society.In order to retain possession if I make an agreement with the Chairman of society now regarding the renewal terms after expiry of lease agreement will it hold good.for eg: a Agreement on Rs 100 stamp paper stating lease can be renewed...

police judiciary not taking action in section 498

Dear sir Kindly give your precious time to read my mail. we whole family is in big trouble and tension. whatever i have wrote is truth, nothing is even 1% wrong. this is a query regarding section 498 case of my sister. i am from kurukshetra, haryana. My father is retired from Bank. my sister named "sonia" got married in 2008 in rewari , my father spend around 20 lacs in my sister's...

Abusing women

My cousin (female) works in an office and got a recent promotion as an Administrator of a branch. Few of her colleagues of a different department out of jealousy and with instigation by the departing Administrator complained to the COO about herself being loose character and poor in behavior and having illegal relation with his boss. She got promoted through recommendations of her immediate bos...

no originals of JDA and General Power of attorney with builder

Sir, I have booked a flat with a reputed builder by paying 20% upfront cost and went ahead for SBI home loan. home loan got rejected stating that the JDA and POA originals are not with the builder as its with the income tax department (builders docs has been taken away during a income tax raid). A case is going on with builder and IT department. HDFC is saying they can give the loan. we are ...

Inheritance of Property

Hi sir, In a family of 6.. Father Mother 2 Sons 2 Daughters.. Father didn't written any will and he died in last year. With the name of mother one property is written.@2nd son went to the register office with mother and make her to sign with his name. Now remaining kids wont do anything for this??.As @1st Son have no rights now??? [now @ 2nd son in another place and @1st son and mother are i...

Case on cyber law

Hello sir/madam There is a person who live in balrampur u.p., he has lodged a FIR against me on the basis of some fb post and he also filed a complaint in a lower court under section 500,501,505 against me. The point is that above mentioned post hasn't been recovered by crime branch yet and investigation officer filed a closure report on that but that complaint case is still pending in court....