Legal questions

Serving notice period

I used to work for a finance company as state head and used to handle sales team where loan approval and process was not under my control. I was not happy with the increasing work pressure and long hours working around 12 hours in normal day and 15-18 hours in last week of month. I got a good opportunity and resigned. My organisation had a 3 months notice period but the new employer had asked t...

My grandparents are being harassed by my uncle n aunt

My parents, grandparents and uncle & family live in one house but separate households. My "Chachi" is an extremely notorious woman and has been causing troubles in the family since she got married. It's been 20 yrs tolerating her nonsense... She does not want her husband to keep any relations with his parents and if at all my grand mother try to talk to him or ask him to do them a favour, she c...

498A / 323 / 506 / 34 -

On 13th Nov 2015 My wife's father, sister and brother came to my house and my mom was alone that time. I was in office. After sometime my in-laws starting taunting my mom and then when she tried saying something they all started using abusive language. My mom called me and I asked her to call 1091 and in the mean time I called some of my relatives. Police reached my home and said that it is you...

Wife getting missguided and in laws threatening for 498a

Its been 15 months for marriage and had a baby boy 40days old. I been in USA before marriage and worked in western culture. When my wife went to her home for delivery, she started behaving weired. After delivery when i asked for baby naming ceremony, she denied to follow me and started accusing that i betrayed her and her family ! How ? That i had relations with girl in USA before marriage? ...

Contractor not finised the work even after one year

Hi Advocate , I am Nandha Kumar from Coimbatore , Tamilnadu. Last year about in Oct 2014 my father started constructing the front portion of the house by demolishing the existing portion. After the RCC roofing is done it was left for curing & the Engineer didnt turn on to start the remaining work. Upon several calls he came & was arguing, that argument went on to quarrel & misunderstanding ha...

Selling ancestral property

We have a problem in selling our property. My grandparents died and the ancestral property was shared among the grand children. My father is the first son in the family. My father left my mom since 16 years and we were brought up by my maternal uncle from our younger age, I'm his daughter 22 years and I have a brother aged 16 years. We did not asked for any money help from my father's family th...

If an employment contract expires, shld notice period be served?

Last year, I joined an organization as a Consultant on 13/Aug/2014 on contractual basis. The employment contract had a validity of 1 year i.e the contract expiry date was 12-Aug-2015. In the contract, a point was mentioned that either party can terminate the contract by giving 1 month notice period. There was no mention of auto-renewal in contract. On 1/Aug/2015, I gave a letter to HR st...

Divorce on the basis of desertion

Hi, I got married to a govt servant 2.5 yrs back, before all started it was clear that she will leave her job and search a job in city where I live since she works/lives 500km from where I live. Just after 2 weeks she left my home saying she needs to serve notice period of 3 months and came my home for 3-4 days during that period. Just after the notice period got over she said that with the hel...

Mental torture, divorce, child custody

Im a housewife married for 7 years and have 2 kids. I have been living with my husband and in laws for past 5 yrs. Before that I was working for 2 yrs and we had stayed in different city. My husband has lost his job during recession and we had stayed in my house under my parents expense for 1.5 years. During this time, husband's brother marriage was finalised and I helped husband with my saving...

Domestic Violence Act

Hi My uncle was passed away year back by that time he and his wife was living with his parents. After he died we all (daughters of my uncle) was supporting and told my uncle's wife to stay with her In-law's. She stayed with them for sometime then she went back to her mother's place and filed a case against her In-law's under women's protection act 2005 section 18 saying like In-law's are not al...

Query regarding the will and gift deeds

Hello Sir, Myself Bharath, working as a software engineer. This mail is with respect to a query regarding the will or a gift deed. We are a four member family, my father recently expired due some health reasons. Due to our job requirements me and my brother are staying in different geographic locations, and my mother stays at our home town (Andhra Pradesh). My mother is not agreeing or read...

Wife giving threats of misusing 498 and imprisionment

Hi all, pl advise, One of my friend got married last year, in initial stage everything went ok, now after six months of the marriage, his wife started to stay more than usual time e.g. earlier she stas to her parental house for three / four days but after six months she stays there for 10/15/20/30 days without reason, now due to panic situation my friend's parents started to go to her relati...

Breach of Agreement

We are a SME in Kolkata started 'Contract Packing' job of a Big Limited company - after going for a Written Agreement. The agreement has 'Arbitration' clause for 'Dispute. settlement. The said company has not paid us for our Packing services, & also holding our 'Bank Guarantee'. They are saying that they have terminated our services about one year back - but they have not informed us anything ...

Contract Employment

Sir / Mam, I am Archana from Mumbai (residing in Navi Mumbai & working in (Bandra)). Since 2010 I have been working for IBM but through a vendor (Consultancy) on contract basis. From 2010 till 2015 Feb my contract with Manpower Consultancy (vendor) was renewed every year to continue my service with IBM. While recruting I was told that I would be absorbed in IBM Payroll after a year. I had...

Seepage in my Flat

Sir/Madam, I am flat owner in one Group Housing society situated in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh and residing on 2nd floor and there is a constant leakage from the kitchen, and balcony from the flat situated at 3rd floor (flat situated above my flat) which has been increasing with time. For solving the problem, I personally brought this problem to the knowledge of 2nd floor owner for several...

about divorce procedure

Sir Good evening I would like to discuss my case with you regarding my wife I need your advice now what we should do whether we can file a divorce what is the law Below is the detail regarding my case:- Last year I married with one of the girl from mumbai. But after 2 months of marriage she left me complaining that I m not supporting her also complaining about my mother because of their sm...

Information regarding Compromise decree

Respected Sirs/Ma'ms, Brief background of the case is that in 1973 my bothers filed a Partition Suit against my father stating that he is a spend thrift and even before the summon to the same were received by my father, my mothers forced my father to compromise and distribute the properties among themselves without making the sisters party to it, the decree was compromised within a month of ...

Cheated in Marriage.

Hello sir/mam, I am 27 years old lady, who is married for 2 years and has a 10 months old son. I have an arrange marriage. My in laws are harassing me and my family since the 1st day of my marriage. My parents have given everything as planned with in-laws in marriage. However they took cash for everything saying that they will purchase everything of there choice. But they did not purchase...

Maintenance/ Alimony to Working wife in PSU bank

Dear Sir I got married on 1st wk of Dec. '14 (registry under Special Marriage Act) & socially on the 2nd wk. Due to mutual differences in family values, cultures & opinions and also misbehaviour by my wife, we have been staying separate since Feb. '15. She is officially not staying with me or her in-laws, since mid. Apr. '15. My wife had taken ALL the jewelleries (received both from her & MY...

Registered Will Vs Forged Unregistered Will

Dear sir, My uncle died on oct.2013. He was 76 and suffering from throat cancer for the last 8 years. He was a childless Man. Two years back he made a registered Will with Tehsildar in which he declared that his Sister-in-Laws (wife's sister) son as legal owner for his property as he was looking after him for the last 22 years. His age is now 34 years and he is unmarried. After 01 year of abov...