How can I get a Stay Order?
The property in question is in the name of my maternal great grand father i.e., my mother's grand father's name but the registration is still pending on his name. The property is 1 Bigha and my mother is the eldest daughter out of 6 siblings 3 sons and 3 daughters but my grand father i.e., my mother's father is lying to my mother for the last 40 years by making false promise of giving the land to her.
My grand father has already distributed more than 10 bighas of land between other 5 siblings without giving my mother anything as she is not as conniving as the others and now as he is approaching the age of 84 they want to take this last bit of land from him after helping him to transfer the name from his father's name.
At present we have secured a broken house in the contested land vacated decades ago and have a signed rental agreement with my grand father to allow my mother to live there but if my grand father passes the land in his will to other siblings like before and doesn't give my mother anything can we get a stay order on the property based on the rent agreement and light bill which we have transferred on our name so that the property cannot be transferred or sold by anyone?
Please give your valuable suggestion.