Dear Experts,
I am Shilpa. I got married on 14-April-2014 in the present of all the parents and relatives.Which was an arranged marriage.Please note that this was my second marriage.
Post the marriage i got to know that the person i married to is the chain smoker, drinker, and the sadist(I mean the mental torturer, and troubling me like anything for each and every word i speak and utter, and taking money from me and troubled a lot if i am not giving etc). and also i got to know that after marriage he is much elder than me (Around 15 years older than me ). and as well as he had affairs with 2 females where he used to tell me as well. And he used to lock me in the room and used to go out in the late night also to speak to those ladies. He married me just because i earn and give him a money. And i will not come out of him since this is my second marriage(Even for him it is a second marriage).
But,i could not able to sustain my life with him since finally he was even ready to sell me off for money to his friends(Which he was telling some times.) So i decided to come out of him. With my parents consent and by informing him and his parents i came out of the house on 01-July-2014.
For all mentioned above i don't have any proofs.Our marriage is not registered and i don't even have any photos(Since they have only called the photographer). I just have the photos of engagement. I have consulted a lawyer. He is saying that with out any proof we may not be able to win.And till now he is not even ready to send the notice.As he suggested we tried to speak to them(I mean with him and his parents). they agreed that his son has done a mistake and they are saying that they will correct him.
I am not at all ready to go back to him. I am preferring this to end up in Mutual consent.Since i don't want to waste my time in life for him.
The only proofs i have by now is just few recordings and messages which i recorded when i came out of the house. where he agreed that he has taken money from me and that he has done mistake and requested me to go back.
I purely agree that me and my parents have not done the clear back ground verification of the boy. We went ahead with the words told by them and the confidence given by our close relatives(Who stays near there place).Now they end up saying they don't know about him.They just know his parents. :(
Kindly suggest/help me to come out of this situation. I am really going down day by day. Just because of me my entire family is in sink.