Claiming compensation for late delivery of house
Dear Lawyers,
I booked a house in 2013 December and registered the land in March 2014, the agreement states that the construction will be completed and the house will be handed over 18 months from the date of registration. So technically they were supposed to handover by Aug 2015 instead they have now completed and give the final settlement letter. To get to this point it was a huge struggle.
The questions I have is with regard to compensation, in the contract there is a clause for delay, however, the builder in their final settlement has not provided for any compensation instead he has include all the tax increases I need to pay.
In addition he has also added an amount for tax that they miscalculated when the contract was signed. Do I have to pay this amount, should I not be paying just what we had contracted for.
Also with regard to compensation, do judgments come in favor of the customer. And, is it necessary for the customer to appear in court or can it be done remotely?
Please any guidance in this regard will be greatly appreciated.