continue harrased even petitioner lose her case in high,supcourt
I want to help my collegue so please find following an then sugest us:
party _1 and party_2 both are jointly neighbourer, party_1 running affiliated school from 2004, party_2 in 2006 they approach for admmission concern to party_1(schooll) but school refused them for admiision in 9th 0r 10 class due to elegibility , and fraudulenlty party_1 done it from anywhere, from that day party_2 threatend to close the school by filliing frivioulous application to different department but lot of inspection held, special investigation unit clearly indicated in there report that party is habtual of falling false complants all the this in school are fine
(1) party_2 there is un-married lady(app.35 years old)
(2)party_2 in 2012 they file the case in high court to close the school (in school not full fill the norm , have no infrastructure, and there is noise disturbance mean schildren making noise like these as she stated ito diiffrent department)
but on oct 2013 high court dimiss her case
(3) part_2 again file slp in supreme court but supreme court dismiss thier application on jan 2014, supreme court guide them in dismiss slp that
if school land's is in question then file civil suit in lower ourt
for students disturbance bieng contact to local police athourity ,if local police not worked then conatct to megistrate ,
(4)20 sept 2013 party_2(3ladyes _3 gents) attack on the principle of school (party_1)with knife , principle save by other neighbourer with the family of principle, principle admitted in district hospital for 22days but police filed cross fir even all the local bodies stated the thruth
(5)to harras the school party_2 on play loudly dj in thier house from school hours. f.i.r lodged by pollution board and another f.i.r also conducted for same ,
(6) one theft case aslo logded against party_2 under section 379 .
(6) various kalandera held by police and send to sub divisional megistrate.
(7) to remove the cctv cammera concern party_2 filed various complaints by stating that our privacy is not secured,
(8) now himachal pradesh board of school education dharamshala cancelled the 10th class certificate of family member of party_2 that he got fraudulenlty , as the reason for harrasement filed by the party_1
now guide us lot of things are there that to show party_2 is defaulter
prty_2 have no since 2004 to 2007 but reason already stated above
school's reputation concern what they do .
number (4) concern , all the local bodies(gavah-evidence ) are with party_1 because they know the thruth no one evidence is from prty_2.
so(even when we discuss with prosecutor , prosecutor state that party one have evidence-- gavah--localbodies, but prty_2 have no evidence he stae challan has been put , let wait for sommon ) guide us properly how the cross f.i.r quashed in high court or sureme court.