Payment of One month Extra rent if house is vacated within 11 mon

Hi, I am staying in a rented house from last One year Four months. Initially the agreement was made for 11 months. Recently the Owner has raised the rent amount more than 15% percent and made me to sign the new agreement forcefully where he has mentioned that I am staying in the residence from last month in the new agreement. Now after signing the agreement, he is forcing me to vacate house as he would get one month extra rent if I vacate it now as per agreement I have few questions which would be helpful 1. Is it legal to take extra one month rent if I have vacated the house within a year? 2. I am staying there from last 1 year 4 month. I have older agreement with me. Do I need to pay one month extra rent in this case also (Since In new agreement, He has mentioned I am staying from last month) 3. Can the Owner increase more than 20% of rent and get the new agreement signed? 4. Does it mean older agreement is void if New agreement is signed? 5. Does the Owner has to get new agreement signed in order to continue after 11 months(as per old agreement)?