Is divorce decree by mutual consent in CA valid in India?
I and my husband travelled to US in 2015.We both are working and are on H1B and reside in CA.We got married in India in 2012 as per 1955 hindu marriage act.Due to some issues ,we both have decided for mutual consent divorce.
I was thinking of filing for summary dissolution of marriage in CA which is divorce by mutual consent of both parties.Is this valid in India? Can I file for summary dissolution of marriage in CA in parallel and along with mutual consent divorce processing in family court in India acc to 1955 hindu marriage act.
I want to go for processing at both CA and India because some ppl are saying that the divorce in CA even by mutual consent would not be recognized in India as US courts do not pass judgement as per 1955 hindu marriage act and irreconcilable differences is not recognized in India.In India , physical presence may be required for both parties and second party is not willing to travel and may not turn up in hearing and whole process might take 18 months and I want judgement to be made quicky .We both have made Special power of attorney and given to our fathers to represent us for divorce in India so that both parties are not required to travel but not sure if that will work for both first and second motion for mutual divorce in india.