Navodaya vidyalaya samiti denied to issuance of reserve panel.
Navodaya vidyalaya samiti an autonomous body under ministry of human resources development department of school education and literacy invited application for direct recruitment of tgt pgt teachers in Feb 2014. after written examination samiti called qualified candidates for interview at far flung station of pan India. after interview samiti declared result of 128 qualified candidates and subsequently list of finally selected candidates. after issuance offer of appointment 14 candidates did not join due to various reasons. in this process 14 seats are still vacant as notified in notification of recruitment. but samiti has denied to make a reserve panel of qualified candidates against widthdrawl offer of appointment who not joined yet. and now samiti is preparing for fresh new recruitment. successor candidates of qualified list are now filling cheated. they wasted their priceless time and money in the selection procedure and now refused to join by lack of transparency and maliciously governed establishment officials of samiti. it smells corruption also. kindly advice what to do in this case.