Abusing and threaten to beat
I wanted to buy an protein product and was not sure which one to buy. So, sometime back(26/07/2016) I dropped an email to #HealthKart to know more about the protein products so that I can choose and buy the relative product. To my surprise, I got call yesterday(after some time), from number [deleted]. The guy introduced himself as Ritchie. He started explaining me about the protein. Cool till now. I was actually very interested to know about the products but suddenly out of nowhere, he commented on me that "So, you need body like mazdoors". I, still very polite, tried to convince him that please do no insult other occupations. They are also a bunch of people who do good work. I told him that I have also worked in call center and we should not dis-respect other people. That is where things turned bad. He started abusing me along with "I will beat you". He used words like "bh***e/ch***ye/be****od" and much more. I was stunned to see the behavior of that guy. He threatened to kill me as well. I was wondering where in this world are we right now. Just to buy a protein product, I am getting so much. Where is my safety? What if that guy really come to me?From the time I got that call, my mind is not stable.