Illegal relationship and fraud

I know this guy in my society who is married since long we never had feelings I am separated and single mother. In December 2022 we got close because of my daughter as a friend. He started chatting each other and he said his wife is not good and he is leaving his wife still I never shown any interest but his care towards my daughter make me feel towards him not only this I met his mother she also said that he is leaving his wife. I thought it's true and we had physical relationship on ground of he is leaving his wife and marrying me. So months passed I ask him to share me case number or details but he ignored i also use to help him monetary. One fine day we met outside and had big fight as I get to know he cheated me and used me . I ask him let's go to police station but he ran away. Next day I went police station to file complaint against him that he kept physical relationship on ground of getting marry. But he never did and not only this he knows I am very much after him to get marry so he also tried to do marry in temple in Goa all stupid things he has done. Now I feel cheated and it's eating me my self respect all gone so I want to know under which ground i can do complaint in police station.