What are the men right for protection against fake allegatios
My brother was married since six months, It was completely an arrange marriage, with strictly no dowry, but his relationship has come to drastic move, when his wife had gone to her mother's place, with all her baggage and suit case fulled , now its been one months. The marriage took place in Kanpur(UP) and we are living in Merrut (UP) I would like to tell first her story
1. She claims that her husband doesn't give attention, inshort she is sexually unsatisfied. - not true.
2. She says her in-laws do mental torture to her, by comparing with her daughter, and by not doing her each and every household work.( preparing all the meals for her, washing, household activity) - which is again not true
3. Also she is claiming in a WhatsApp chat with her sis in law that I have a legal rights on property.
4. Her sister, mother had already fought with our family regarding this family issue, face to face
5. She is also claiming that you ppl gonna cry soon ?
6. She doesn't want to move out and live separately
My point of concern :-
1. What if she make fake allegation of torture or dowry against our family? How can we stay safe against all the charges?
We doesn't wants to get separated at this point of time, but as she is so rude, egoistic, short tempered her mother also that we can't take much risk.
Kindly suggest about the above matter?