Bank credited loan amount not compliant to my agreement with them
I applied personal loan from a reputed private bank of India. The representative to whom I handed over the document offered me 14.5% rate of interest. Later the bank rang me and told the roi applicable in my case will be 17%.I refused and asked them to return my document and cancel my application. Then in the same call she offered me to balance transfer my other loan account in different bank for which roi will be lesser. I agreed for balance transfer plus some additional amount.
On that agreement I mailed them my loan detail. They did not reply. And 1 day later the amount was credited to my account which was not as per our agreement. After repeated call and mail to them she told me that roi was 17%.I refused to accept and on their request I handed over them cancellation request letter and also the returned cheque of the amount credited on my account.It has been over 14 days they are not updating me of the status. Please let me know how should I proceed to safeguard myself from their imposed un agreed loan upon me and also ask them to compensate me for my waste of time and un necessary bothering.