Suicide Note
I am staying and working at Dubai and never visited India since last 3 years , last year one my related and his frineds talked on the phone. His friend want to come Dubai and settle , his familly send me money 3 L Indian ruppes and I told them it will take some time to arrange everything and I given money to agent in Dubai , it's been more than 1 year this guy run aways and I tired to find him , two days before I got call from India that my relative friend took suicied and he wrote my name and my relative name in the suicied note.
What should I do now and what is the option ,I never seen this people before and never met them also I talk on phone only , I told his monther so many times that I will return the money as I don't have job and without job I can not stay and live and rent and pay for food in Dubai .
Later I reliaze that this guy has familly problems in India his brother and his wife and mother they want him to go out from home ..
Some people Told me that he tried to suicide also before ,
What should I do now plz help me