My Parents are trying to control me so much;about my love & life
I am from Chennai and working in Pune. I have problems with my family..I'm in love with a girl from other state and wanted to marry her so I told my parents about it. They started torturing me to leave the girl otherwise they will kill her. They are so much into their cast that they may not think back on honor killing. The pressure was so much on me and I could not take it anymore. They kept on forcing me and my friends about the details of the girl and they got to know some details. As I wanted her safety first I told them I'm not in love with her anymore.Now they are trying to control me over my job and career. Everything they expect me to do it their way. I'm now being forced to move near to them and work so that they can monitor me. Can't I live my life the way I want? I was bearing all this throughout because they are my parents and I should not hurt them. But they are taking advantage of it and torturing me more day by day. I don't have anyone to support as they don't understand my position. Could you please help me what can be done to live my life the way I want?