498A Misused by the wife of my brother
The wife of my brother started to steal the money, jewellery and other belongings just after the 5-6 months from the date of marriage i.e. Feb 2014.
The extortion come in full swing when the first baby was borne. The wife of my brother started to abuse in loud to defame the family, sometimes hit the women in the family and even the gents, yet she is weak and she know that they will not hit her. She first start to abuse the family members and when anyone resists this she call to the police on 100.
She is very cleaver and do recording in her mobile/tablet in order to take the advantage on later stage.
Finally on 21/2/2016 she filled and FIR with the referred IPCs 323, 504, 506, Dowry 3 and Dowry 4 and that are completely wrong and fake. We have some audio clips in which she openly challenges us that she will trap us in police cases.
Today we got a registry from a lawyer of high court, Allahabad that states that bail should not be granted to us until the first hearing in the court (How this can be possible that if the first hearing is still pending and high court lawyer send us such latter?).