DVA -Avoiding Interim maintenance and nullify the case
I got married on 9/Feb/2011, we lived happily almost 5 years but after my dad's death my in father-in-law slowly started and even instigated my wife to quarrel on each silly things to take a control and dominate. Thus under the bad instigation & influence of her father my wife left her marital home on 15/July/2015 taking all her valuable belongings as well as our daughter attaining 4 years by 9/Apr/2017.
After vacating the house she has lodged DVA(Dometic voilence) case to claim interim and maintenance for both, we have filed objections and case is still in evidence stage though 1.2+ years.
We have filed RCR(Restitution of conjugal rights) and G&WC(Guardian & Ward act), also we have received child visitation rights ( 9AM - 2PM on first & third sundays of every month)
Though it is 9+ months they have not filed any objections to RCR, even they were asked to pay RS 500 fine and last & final chance to file objections is given by judge.
Overall what I have understood is, there is no single instance of violence but they are using it to harass and dominate as my in law is a cunning person. So my question is:
How can we speedup the things rather dragging, as I am deserted & deprived of both marital & parental duties and relations since 1.6 years. I really care & respect for relations, especially I don't want innocent daughter(kid) to suffer?
How can my lawyer speedup the things instead dragging OR can I directly appeal to judge to recall/rejoin my family unconditionally?
Kindly suggest, the best legal way to handle this case(situation) and solve the problem at the earliest rather killing age & money. Appreciate your prompt and honest response on this.
-Best Regards,