Is it mandatory to give maintenace when a talaq is obtained
My brother's second Marriage held on 26.08.2013, This is the second marriage for the bride too, but within 13 days of marriage life she left her husband and her motherin law on her will saying that her sexual contacts will be played by watching blue films, but this was not acceptable by her husband , we consoled many a times but not fruitful. She filed DV case and got all her valuable things from her husband and also she filed a case that her husband is a womaniser, she wanted medical expenses -amounting 3lacs and a monthly maintenance of 35000/- from her husband and the house property in her name. Due to her mis conduct and mis behaviour talak has been observed.. There is no children out of wedlock. Now we have come to know that her first marriage was also taken into family court asking for ailmony, as the ex husband was rich enough they have settled with a lumpsum amount with a land property in her name. This has been come to known through a lawyer. Please advice what to do. I am shame to say that Islamic women are against their shariat and really unable to digest this kind of shameful act by a muslimlady. Please suggest what to do