Ancestral Property

My father had two wives by marriage and a girl by his first marriage (in India, Tamilnadu) and had five children (three girls and two boys) in Singapore. I am the eldest son of the family by the second marriage. My father did not write any will in regards to his properties in India and passed away. Upon his death there were some dispute in which the daughter by first marriage refused to handover. After many years and with involvement of our elders in the village she decided to handover half the ancestral properties and did a Settlement with me in which the said Settlement was registered in the Taluk Office. However the Village Officer refused to change the Land Patta to my name saying that I need to submit the death certificate of late father's first wife. I asked the elders to assist me but the first wife's daughter seizing this opportunity refused to assist me in this matter. All my father, his first wife and my mother had expired. My Questions as follows: 1) If I need the death certificate of the first wife, why this was not asked when we registered the Settlement? 2) Is my registered Settlement valid? 3) if it is legally registered then why the Village Officer refusing to accede? I am a Singaporean by birth and taken up OIC and wish to settle down in my ancestral village in the near future. Thus kindly do advice me further. Thank You