Share holding
I have started business in partnership with my friends,
We are total number of directors as 3,
I was doing job firstly with one of the reputed company, then this two friends approch me and asked if I am interested of doing business together and said you will be taken on board of director with there existing pvt ltd firm (pvt ltd was incorporated in 2011, with two director)
The pvt ltd firm which they were having was just registered for few transections and was not having strong balance sheets, they were doing business in partnership firm. So we decided pvt ltd firm to be taken for new business. And I will come in board of directors, with mutual understanding that we all three will get equal profits, also I will have some monthly pay as paid director, all the investments done in the company are of two (not mine) I have only come down to my salary pay which I was having in my job by 30% , business will be run under my leadership and knowledge. I am investing my 100% of time and experience to establish our business (no money).
Now when I saw MoA there were no shares on my name only they two were having 50 - 50% of shares,
So I am not understanding what I shall do, shall I demand for shares to be on my name or not ?
What exactly means that I am not having any shares, if any despute happen in future then what can happen,