Divorcing a foregin spouse and filing cases
Dear Sirs,
I am an European citizen. I got arranged married in novemeber 2015 in India. It is agreed mutually before the marriage that my wife will move to europe, which she has been postponing ever since. She is being manipulated by her Uncle (late mother's sister's husband). My wife won't listen to her father or brother. Her uncle is her care taker and incharge of her assets. We believe that he wants to put up a fight with us in order to keep the earnings on her property for himself and even try to demand money from us by filing case against us legally.
I came to visit her in india once on her birthday for 2 weeks in december 2015 in these 4 months since our marriage. At that time things were good. Lately she has been complaining that her health is not good and blaming me for that. We told her to stop going to work until she recovers, which she never did. We are open with her going to work or not in europe, for which she agreed. Her uncle is working in middle east and talking and texting to her everyday and manipulating her. I am always patient with her although she is being provocative and putting up fights with me over Phone.
We are not interested in her assets. I want my marriage to work and my wife to live with me. I know my wife is being manipulated and once she is away from her Uncle's influence she will understand the truth for herself. At the same time I want to be prepared for the consequences in case her Uncle files a case against our family.
I would like to know what cases they might file on us and wether the cases will survive? I am not an Indian citizen and also have not lived with her (except for 2 weeks in december when things were normal). My registered domicile has always been in europe. I also have text messages, family members of her and mine proving that in december, january everything was normal between us. Wihout any concrete evidence can they still file case against us?
Secondly, my marriage is not recognized in Europe. Are they still be able to file cases against me and my family?
What is the way forward legally if i want to pursue for divorce? Do I have to pay alimony to her? Can I file for divorce without ever coming to india? Her uncle owns all the jewellery we baught her for the marriage, will we recover it? I have not recieved even clothes for the marriage from their side, except 2 rings, which are with her uncle only. We are not worried about the jewellery but still want to know.
Thanks in advance.