Atrocity against management
I am a senior teaching faculty at one of renounced college of engineering. during my9nresearch work on non working day, one of the supporting staff get with minor accident. a supporting staff is on contractual, and I was unaware of his presence at the work place. I came to know his presence only when he get in accident on machine. after 4 days later his father and one of the non teaching union lodge a complaint to director of the institute. director constitute a priliminary enquiry commitee. the committee submitted a report statjng that, as I did not sought permission from higher authorities to work on non working day, the entire responsibility of accident is on me. based on the report direcgor of the institute suspended me and constituted a departmental enquiry committee. it almost took 3 months to complete the process from the day of suspensio,. the departmental enquiry committee submitted a report that there is no policy for teaching faculty to take permission to work on non working day. the committee over ruled all the allegations and observations by preliminary enquiry comittee. the director had to revoke my suspension, but he has gave me a penalty of withhonding one increment. every one on the campus speaks about injustice with me. the 3 months of suspension was a mental harassment to me. this can be proven from the report of preliminary and departmental enquiry committee repoerts that action against was intensional. now I want to lodge FIR agaist director and members of preliminary enquiry committee members. please guide