UPSC civil services mains subjects

Can UPSC be made to include some specific subject to be added in their mains optionals list by using court ? UPSC conducts exams in 3 stages: Prelim, Mains, Interview. In mains there are 4 general studies paper & 2 papers from the optional subject you have choosen. But the list of subjects available for optional is limited & doesn't include recent subjects like Computer engineering & Biotechnology. Now even though computer & mobiles have become so necessary in our life like food, clothing & shelter still UPSC has not added this very important subject in their optional subjects. Hence students like me who have graduated from this subject are at disadvantage & hence have to prepare from other subjects. Can we via court make UPSC to add Computer engineering subject in their list of optional subjects? If yes then how much time it will take & the approximate cost of the case ?(Note: There is an ongoing high court case regarding inclusion of PALI language in Nagpur Bench of Bombay high court. Please see this case as a reference.)