Cheque Bounce Case
Since last 3/1/2 years, I had filed a case of chque bouncing , which had reached its final stage. The accused has refused to contest the case, and had been making excuses of arranging the funds to pay back ...Since last one year he had been telling the court and has given written undertaking that he is making arrangements to sell his property and pay back the Ten lacs he owes due to cheque bounced.This case was going on in Morwadi civil court in Pune...Last month due to changes in the jurisdiction of the courts uber sec.138. The case was transferred to Mumbai from Pune, as I hold a bank account in Mumbai Br of the bank from where the cheque has been bounced. Since last 4 years myself and the accused live in Pune. Due to the change in the case status.I was given all the original documents pertaining to the case. And now I have to file the case in the Mumbai court, near esplanade in VT area. I need advice as to how to go about it, as the lawyers are asking high fees which I cannot afford after 3.5 years of case proceedings.Pl advice