Query regarding leasing vehicle through ZoomCar platform

My car up until today was explicitly used for private purpose only, However, now that I am leasing my vehicle via ZoomCar platform, I wish to know what happens in a scenario where my car meets with an accident and subsequent insurance claim is denied by the insurer sighting reason that Car doesn't come with a transport permit and hence use of the car for commercial purpose violates insurance agreement terms. In such a scenario, who might be held liable for making good my losses? If I were to hand over my vehicle keys to certain Guest and concerned person simply vanishes without a trace, then in such a scenario as there was a clear handover of keys from lessor to the lessee, insurance company may reject any theft claim intimated. In such a scenario, who shall be held liable for my losses and who's fiduciary responsibility will it be to make good on my losses. If my vehicle meets with an accident and for any reason whatsoever, claim intimated is either denied or is partially settled by an insurer, then in such a scenario, who'll make good my losses if guest simply denies the responsibility and absconds?