NGO organization quries

Hello sir/mam i am to represent an organization ,so quries based on those are there so can you please help us? 1)to register in an NGO can major students be the council members to govern that functioning 2)is that we must have accounts maintained by auditor only or any of our members or a studunt doing or have done 3)is it necessary that it must be working always? 4)can we have are own rules and regulations to proceed this organization? 5)can the name our organization be of any format or is there any conditions if so what? 6)what do we mean by fund rising not the meaning but an explanation 7)can the office be a home a member ,if not what could be the alternative? please help us as soon as possible to develope our organization literary and to develop our nation looking forward for all the suggestions and advice . with regards, pavith thanking you!