Construction dispute

We started construction of our corner plot 1 year back. Our land is 35*60 in front and 30.6*60 in back. We constructed our house on 32*60 as there was spare land between us and right side neighbour and we aligned with them. We left setback of 6ft in back and 10ft in front of ground floor. It's also ok with our backside and right side neighbours. We left additional 20 ft on left corner for parking. We constructed rest of the area and did not leave any other setback on left side towards road. Our constitution is finished and now we are doing final finishes. Now one more neighbour who is in the back row of our roadside plot is demanding us to demolish 10ft from roadside else he will file complaint. He himself has done construction with zero setback and we have no shared wall with him (except the 15" area where he has constructed elevator with 0 setback). What can we do? Demolishing at this stage is quite difficult for us. Our house is nearly and demolition will require site plan change for almost whole house.