Ancestors property gifted by father to brother while younger brother was minor

Hello There are 2 different properties in question here 1 Our ancestors property was gifted by my father to my second brother in his ill health and later passes away. At this time I was a minor and don't remember if I have signed anything. This was in the 90's while I was in school. After many years and after my mother passing away, my brother has now sold the house which we mutually agreed on whtsapp that it's best to sell as no one lives there anymore. Now, it's been two years and I have not been given any of the proceeds and communications are being ignored. 2. My father has a large size prime commercial property which under litigation for 3 decades that got resolved in 2015 and we acquired the property. The backlogs of municipality tax etc and processes for vacating tenants ( who didn't pay rent for 20 plus years) has been on going and final registration of property is due or completed by my brother. His right to this property was signed off along with the house at my dad's death bed. Fast forward to today, the property may get sold soon and there is no trust or clarity of what the deal is or would be. I need advise to 1. Get the proceeds from the house sale 2. Get my name included in the commercial property and if sale happens whenever, I should not be left out and cheated. Property in tamilnadu