Want divorce from my husband

We got married just two months ago, but we're already facing significant compatibility issues. My husband often becomes angry for no clear reason and has extreme mood swings. At times, when he's upset, he even hurts himself. When I try to express my concerns, he turns it around and accuses me of disrespecting him, claiming that I hurt him with my words, even though he's the one who triggers the arguments. There have been instances where he threatened to make me leave his house, and other times he’s told me that he feels unwell emotionally and has even expressed suicidal thoughts. Whenever I attempt to have a calm, mature conversation, it either leads to a fight where I’m blamed for everything or he switches to acting as the victim, crying and saying I should leave because he’s scared of me. The cycle repeats itself: he's fine for a short period, then the emotional drama starts again. He's very anti-social, and I constantly feel on edge around him. Both our parents know about the issues we're facing and encourage us to try and work through it, but he’s unwilling to make any effort to improve things. We were married according to Hindu customs, and our marriage is registered in Uttar Pradesh. After marriage, we moved to the US for his work, while I’m still in the process of finding a job. Whenever we argue, he tells me to go back to India and asks my father to intervene and bring me home. Given everything I’ve described, I’m considering divorce. What options do I have in this situation?