Child custody to father
I got married in 2016 and 8 years gone now. My wife is diagnosed with bipolar affective disorder and unsure when it was started but she is telling that only one episode happened before wedding and it lasted for a week and taken neurobian tablet during the time. Her parents aren't bothering about my concerns when I tell them about this disorder. After wedding I've seen 6 episodes of depression out of which one is hypomania and having a very hard time in the recent days. We were assuming that the previous instances were due to some minor depression due to work or other reasons and left casually, however I've the medical documents of past 8 months going to private hospital psychiatrist for councelling and following medications. The latest episode is hypomania and she is very vulgar and vulnerable that she also threatened as she will kill my kids and hang herself, also attacked my private parts during sexual activity, and also tried to kill me once while I was driving bike. Now I've filed divorce case and full child custody (8 years son & 6 years daughter) - I trust that I'll get their custody, your guidance and recommendations are highly appreciated.