Harassment made by Third party recovery agents
I'm not a customer of Bank nor holding any account with the bank. But, I was attacked by third party agency of bank for a loan which I dont know. They had traced my employment history attacked my fellow employess and employer brutally which resulted in job threat as they had put false allegation and assasinated my character. which will impact my job and career progression. After a fight for one year bank had agreed that my number was in database and they had removed it.
1) During 1 year they had misled rbi, cpgrams by mis-representing facts .
2) Breach of Information Technology Act, by breaching privacy and providing senstive data to third party recovery agency
3) Breach of consumer protection Act, by harassing person who have no role in the loan. I see there is an criminal intension as they had put false allegation and put a threat to my job
4) Breach of Rbi Recovery guidelines & Internal Guidelines of data protection.
I looking for case laws related to it and what is the compensation that can be sought. As I had fight with them for 1 year to make them accept the guilt and since they had affected my employment and also reputation loss by attacking my employer.