Divorce for excessive drunkard husband
I have been married for 1 year now. Before marraige, my husband was working in a garments shop as a sales executive. We met through our caste matrimonial site. When I met him in the first meeting, he said that he drinks on Saturday and Sunday. But, after knowing him better, he told that he drinks daily at nighttime after his duty. Days passed by, we were speaking to each other almost everyday. He told me that he had some personal grudges with his family - especially how they treated him since childhood and also, he told me that his father did not support him or take his in their own family business. So, he told that he had no deep relationship with his family. He only goes to home for sleeping at night time and rest of the time, stays in his duty. There were 1 or 2 episodes when he drank excessively at his duty hours, and probably, he had some arguments at his home. When I asked the reason, he told that he gets mad once in a month like this. He drank excessively and slept at his shop - such incidents occurred twice or thrice. I thought he needs mental support as he is in depression. After some months, I got a job in IT Cloud sales in Google process and I had to relocate from Mumbai to Delhi. I relocated and it was a very good job. After some days from the day I relocated, he called me and said he wants to live with me and he would do any kind of job in Delhi and he wants to leave this present life in mumbai. I tried to explain him not to come like this, but he did not listen to me. He was crying and emotional all the time whenever he called me. Then, he came to Delhi. I thought if I can place him in my company, then maybe his mental conditions would improve and he could get out of depression. I referred him to my company and he got a job. We used to work together in the same company but our teams were different. He used to behave very nice to me. I thought he is changing and trying to become a good human being now. He told me to live-in together and share same room, and he was very much interested to marry me. As I thought that he is changing, I can marry him. Days passed by, he was behaving good although used to drink in the nighttime and I told him to quit drinking. He told he will do it gradually over time. He used to emotionally pressurize me for marraige. He promised me that he would lessen his drinking gradually and would quit drinking but it would take time. He promised my father as well. On the basis of his promise, we got married. After one month of marraige only, he lost the job and the reason was drinking. I referred him to another job. Now, again he has started drinking and lost his job now. His drinking has increased now and inspite of his health getting detiorated, he stops and when he gets well after some days, starts to drink again.. this cycle is continuing now. There are many arguments between us and he is not listening to me. Please advise.