To file a Writ Petition before Hon'ble Chief Justice of High court Bombay to recover my unpaid dues in Execution Petition No 13/

I am Aspi Peshotan Satarawalla aged 80 years double senior citizen residing in Navsari State of Gujarat was employed as a Para Mobed in our Parsi Fire Temple at Kalyan West Dist Thane from 01.08.2015 till 31.08.2021. I did not received my salary for 10 months i.e. from 01.11.2020 till 21.08.2021. To recover my unpaid salary I filed a Summary Suit No 19 21 before Civil Judge Junior Division Kalyan West Dist Thane on 03.08.2021. An ex-parte order was passed in my favour on 06.02.2023 directing the Defendant Trustee to pay me my unpaid dues within two months from the date of passing the order. As I did not received my unpaid dues, I filed an Execution Petition No 13/24on 17.08.2024 before the same court which is still pending. On 07.03.2024, the Hon'ble Court directed the Kalyan Police Station to serve the summons to the Defendent at both the addressee of as provided. The matter was adjourned to 04.07.2024.On 04.07.2024, neither the Kalyan Police Station appeared before the Hon'ble Court nor did they submitted the report. The matter was adjourned to 17.08.2024. On 17.08.2024 the Kalyan Police Station submitted the report stating that they could not trace both the addressee of the Defendent as provided as the Defendant has bribed the Kalyan Police Station. The matter was adjourned to 19.10.2024. Sir on 05.01.2024, I had served the ex-parte order by RPAD at the addresses mentioned in Summary suit No 19/21 and in Execution Petition No 13/24 and have obtained an proof signed by the Defendant from the Head Post Office Navsari. I am fed-up of running up and down for past 4 years and stii I have not received my unpaid dues. Please advise me what to do how to approach the Hon'ble High Court of Bombay. My mobile number is [deleted]. Email id [deleted] Thank you awaint for a favourable response