Does separation affidavit can be applied for passport office if Husband is not agreeing for divorce and has fleed
As I had applied for passport for my mother, she had filed for qula as per islamic religion which is considered as talaq from wife side as there was immense torture and bribery by the father,he did not sign on divorce papers produced by my mom, it is been 18 years passed, currently he is in some dargah we could find him actually he will be roaming to different places and comes back sometime to same place, we cannot find and hold him to file for divorce.
As I mentioned as seperated in passport application of my mother, the passport office has asked for seperation affidavit, I am afraid seperation may not be accepted, as I see there are very professional lawyer here, please guide me what to do, do my father signature required as we cannot locate him his friend in that area he comes there unplannedit is been 18 years passed if my mom file for divorce independently if seperation affidavit not accepted then I may need to reapply for passport with all cost again.
Thank you for this platform and professional lawyers for their advice.