My husband left me and my 1 year baby

Am 30 year female. I had a typical arrange marriage. My husband and in law side lied about his profession and salary. After marriage he started demanding for a house. Which we clearly told me and my family unable to buy him own house. After that he started to show his true color. He won't talk to me and even he always torture me small small things. His mother used to trigger him for small small things and he mentally torture me. After my family involved this and solved the issue. I became pregnant on my 45th day of pregnancy he send me to my mother home. After that two weeks once he come and visit me my inlaw never came and see me Or son. He never spend a single penny for me Or for my son. Everything is taken care by my parent. In this 3year of marriage he never given me 100rs for my expenses. Since am not working after marriage with my saving I had managed my basic needs rest and taken care by my family. After my baby 11 month I asked him to take me to his house or see a separate house for living. He argued me like anything and later we moved separtely. After moving separtely also he used to torture my mentaly. He will buy milk for my son also since he is 12 month baby. He will give any money for the expense. He also said that i should not get money from my parents after so much sturgles. He left me and son who is 1year old in the house where we stay all alone. He packed his things and went and never came back. It's been 1 year after this incident still now he never contacted me Or anyone else in my family. I tried to contact him for multiple times he never response to my call. Now I got information that he is trying to get second marriage. Pls guide me what should in do. Am in so much pain. Pls help me