Fraud & Compulsive lying that led to broken trust & no financial support
My husband had not informed about his shut business before marriage and did not give his share of money for wedding that was mutually decided between us. His family never gave any shagun lifafas that I was given in reception and infact even took the ones that the visitors used to give me as 'mu dikhai' in the disguise of jotting down names of people who have given it. I got absolutely zero gifts(not even a saree) that might be given by relatives from his side while my parents gave gifts to his family. This is to give you the intention of the people which I realised much later. After marriage I got to know about his business and other frequent lies 7-8 months into the marriage, the landlord of our apartment contacted me to inform that he has not paid rent and subsequently I got a call from his legal advisor that he will take an action as my husband has not been paying rent and also apparently gave false bank receipts(Screenshots). With multiple such incidents, our marriage was questionable and families were informed. He again gave some false promises to the my parents and took me back after which we had decided to shift back to Delhi NCR where I will try finding a job again and he will join his family business in faridabd. The day of shifting, my husband disappeared for a month. This was duly informed to the police. With no contact - I gt to know about other lies as well. Even after a month when he returned, he gave no proper explanation of where he went- which is till date unknown to me. Now it has been more than two years of our marriage, there has been no support- financial or emotional from either him or his family to me and thye only ask me to comeback with no reassurance or security. My trust is totally broken as this was a love marriage and have no faith and security of my future with him or his family with the way they have dealt this in the last two years. I had already shared my will to separate and also got lawyers involved - but they have only wasted days and months to never address the concern neither ever discussed on the alimony which is justified amount that my family and I spent on the wedding from their retirement fund and the amount that I spent in the duration of marriage. He has now setup a new business, bought a car and I have only seen his standard of living getting better. I want to still separate on mutual grounds, but since they have denied alimony now and I want to take my chances and get help of the court fro justice.Pls help