Contempt of Orders of Hon'ble Supreme Court in stay proceedings
An award was passed by Arbitrator in 2017. Objections under sec 34 were dismissed by commercial Court at Gurugram. Thereafter, the appeal was filled in Honble High Court at Chandigarh along with stay application against ongoing Execution proceedings. The High Court directed judgment-debtor / petitioner to deposit entire award amount and the same could be withdrawn by the decree-holder against furnishing security. The petitioner moved to Hon'ble Supreme Court which allowed the stay in execution against deposit of a surety bond of the award amount since petitioner was a Govt statuary body in December 2019 and also directed High Court to dispose matter in six months. Now, it is came to known to us ( decree -holder ) recently that no surety bond is submitted against the said order in the High Court and appeal is also pending from last six years. What are the available remedies to us in order to get the award amount deposited from the petitioner and then withdraw against security :-
1. Approach Hon'ble Supreme Court in contempt / Misc Application
2. Approach Hon'ble High Court in contempt petition.
3. Approach High Court in pending FAO by filing an application.
4. Any other course of action that may give us relief in the said case.