Casual vacancy in Managing committee
We are a cooperative housing society in Maharashtra and have adopted model bye laws 2014. Total number of flats are 700 and total strength of managing committee is 16 (general + ladies reserved seats). Recently, due to resignations, casual vacancies have come up.
In the recently held AGM,, a resolution was passed which is as below:
"One vacancy in the MC can be filled by co opting a member as full fledged MC member, so Mr. Xyz is co opted as a full fledged member of the MC".
Basis above resolution, Mr. Xyz joined the managing committee and then he took over the office bearer position of Hon Secretary.
My query is - does bye laws allow co-opting a member ad a full fledged mancom member who can take up an office bearer position? What I read in bye laws is - casual vacancies can be filled up only via nominations if MC has served more than 30 months. As far a co-opting ie concerned, only 2 technical Directors and 2 functional directors can be co-opted who neither have the right to vote nor can be office bearers..