False allegation by wife in reply of section 9
Me and wife living strangely from last 5+ years. after marriage we lived together for 50 days in a very disputed way, then she left. after, we tried to mediate and resolve issue through relatives, but never got a proper reply from their side. 2.5 years before sent a legal notice of section 9 to them,not filled case that time but not received any reply. This year we filled section 9 case against them. In response she filled section 12 HMA, and section 25 , section 27 HMA. In reply of section 9 and and filling of section 12 she accused me of being impotent and reason of non -consummated marriage. she mentioned of domestic violence because of impotence. she also mentioned of dowry demands, harshening her mentally and physically, taking dowry during marriage, additionally of keeping streedhan. They included wrong wedding expenses and quantity of streedhan in reply.
She blamed mine slightly physically and mentally disabled widow sister and elder brother for keeping the steedhan.
Multiple places in reply she mentioned me being impotence and responsible of this and that.
she blamed of stating wrong facts before marriage like wrong income details and being impotent.
They have a big lawyer and SP in home.
So ,We again tried to compromise through my lawyer and her lawyer but not got any reply.
My marriage was consummated once during period, and i have call recording to support that.
I have call recordings, discussion happening with her and her mother of not demanding and dowry and never doing any violence.
I have recording, where they accepted, they have streedhan.
Can i produce recordings, be the recordings are 5 years old, and involves my and and her families members. Also devices used for recordings, mainly are not working any more or damaged.
I am going for a penile doppler test and a sperm test to deal up with impotence charges.
Their reply suggest, and we assume, we are also going to face cases of 498a, DV etc.
what should be correct step from my side?
If i sue her for defamation and mental cruelty , will she be entitled for maintenance?