Need help to save our property from destruction by a one-legged prostitute never seen in India

A big, fat, dark, old lady by name Shivamma with her never-ending strength derived from all evil spirits on earth, its equally-same size of daughter-in-law(barker for severing its own tongue), its 2 grand-daughters(unknown size par-excellence that can burst upon vision for a longer time), its 3rd grand-daughter(slightly slower in size, but most ill-mannered behaviors, dirty habits par-excellence) have all stayed in 4 houses with rent in and around our house. The very existence of shivamma on planet earth remains a unsolvable mystery even for Indian Nobel prize winners so far as it can be converted into faecal delight, tongue lost due to unknown evil strengths on planet earth. The 2 other so-called males(gender unknown) and spoilt-so-called kids which can die anytime constitute the family. The 3rd grand-daughter is the chief culprit in organising all unwanted troubles, panic, unrest and creating an aura of bringing prostitution to every possible human wandering in the road, spreading it to unsuspecting neighbors, having age-old dirty antics that remain unsolvable from mankind. It also used to study in a college and god save all of them that provide so-called education from their institutions. It starts laughing when people are scolding it, crying when everyone are laughing, grins like a mad monkey right in front of our house. The 3 giant-sized so-called devils alongwith this unwanted thing on planet earth are a deadly combination that are accumulating more fatal disease than corona primarily started from the FOREST-TRIBE THAT WERE FIRST TIME BROUGHT OUT OF THE WILDEST FORESTS IN INDIA BY SARDA AND HORDES OF UNKNOWN MEMBERS ALL CONTRIBUTING TO THESE IN ALL THE 4 HOUSES. THEY CAN BE SLAUGHTERED AT WILL WITHOUT ANY MERCY ANYTIME AND ANYWHERE. THIS 3RD PROSTITUTE EVEN TOOK A PHOTO FROM THE WINDOW OF 1ST FLOOR HOUSE WHILE I WAS EASING OUT MY URINE AFTER PUTTING AN END TO THEIR MISERIES IN THE BEST POSSIBLE WAY. God only knows what they are upto as they keep on accumulating faeces if possible from the 4th hole on their body. Those who are giving them food should be cut-throat beggars that have to cut their own throats, hands as they are the most vulnerable creatures on planet earth. I have raised several complaints online against these ghastardly acts that promote more than gay legalisation in India, gender mismatch, unknown troubles that have hampered both of my parents, other family members, relatives, friends and well-wishers that had visited our house. They possess all the dirty habits in the entire world in imitating my every single action into prolonged devilish acts. Even the police intervention cannot stop them from using their most lowest power on planet earth. These should be turned into age-old faeces that need to be put up directly in Pattaya, the #1 prostitution site in entire world. The 3rd prostitute has to be put to death with the dirtiest act in burning alive with a most-sought after food that looks like faeces all attributed to sarda