Security Deposit, Possession Hand Over, Inspection
As per the leave and license agreement, my landlord should refund the security deposit when I hand over the possession. He has the right to inspect the property to ensure that there is no damage subject to normal wear and tear. Any damage will be repaired by licensee (i.e., us). Despite our repeated requests to inspect the property so that we can hand over possession in exchange of refund of security deposit, he insists on us i) having to vacate the flat, ii) handing over possession, iii) inspection without our presence and after the handing over of possession, and iv) refund of security deposit after 7-10 days post inspection. We are fine with vacating the property for inspection. But we are not fine with inspection without our presence and after giving up possession or handing over possession without simultaneous refund of security deposit. What are our possible legal remedies? If we vacate the property but don't hand over possession without simultaneous security deposit refund, can our rental fees, etc cease from the end of the tenure? Please advise.